Wednesday 22 April 2009

her hair grows

Our mom said i have killed the cat. It was her fault our Susan she started it . Any road up I dont like cats me , it all started wiv the tressie dolls we both had for christmas . Susan copt hold of mine an cut her hair orf so i screamed an she said her hair grows singing the song off the advert. Well you might know it only grows from the ponytail so she had scragged me doll.
It was one rainy afternoon an i was fed an that manky cat was by the fire so i grabbed it an cut its whiskers orf was just trimming the tail when our Susan burst in. I threw the cat at her an shouted her hair grows an legged it .
Did alright that christmas was doing the pre christmas mouch when I happen to notice there was a huge doll in the bottom of moms locked wardrobe, you ought of seen her she was dressed in a wonderful wedding frock . I gamboled down the stairs to mom an said you ought to see the doll in your wardrobe is it mine. Nah said me mom thats for Ann next door but dont you tell her santa.s fetching it . Mom was only down shop two minutes an me an Anne was up them stairs looking . Christmas morning i had the doll an Susan dolls pushchair painted an new fablon on it me dad had done it up for me . An I had one of them vanity case wiv umberella in the side me an Ann wagged up an down the yard all day wiv brolly up .
All the kids loved our dad if the mom's went to bingo on a wednesday night all the kids came to ours an we played school or hide the timble or played cards but we couldnt tell mom we played poker it was snap he taught us . In our little two up two down we had about eight kids sat in rows while dad did sums for us or in circle on floor if we played cards an dads sorted our hands for us .
we had a great day the day our dad got a car was one of them countryman wiv the wood on back like a car an van stuck together well he asked all the kids from both yards who had been in a car if ya hadnt ya had to line up after ya had told ya mom. We spent all afternoon riding around the horseroads everyone loved me dad he wasn't like them other dads he didnt smack anyone not even me mom.
Mind you they all loved me mom too she pretended to be hard but she used to make a extra jelly an cakes we didnt want she used to give to kids up top house , do ya know their mom,s never cooked em owt just give em echo sarnies yuck i hated echo we never had that.
Me dad used to come home all black an smelly an always sat on a sheet cus the polishing dust came out his skin when he sat by fire we was poshest in our yard but me dad was a worker he did like his snooker thou .
In the winter he would take us girls up the police club an get us some pop an crisps while he played an i would sing the latest song i loved an the other men would clap an give me an our Susan some chocolate heaven knows why I or susan couldn't sing to save our lives but i suppose I was cute .
Most Sundays we stayed home thou an done the bath routine , Susan in tin bath first then me while sing something simple was on radio then out clean pj's on an if we was good we got to stop up an watch Sunday Night at london Palladium , I loved them frocks I did all that glitter an sparkle an feathers it was so fab.
We went to see a show when we was at blckpool charra trip it was so wonderful to see peeps off the radio up there singing an the lights gerry an the Pacemakers when they sang i thort me heart would stop , mind you when we went to see snow white on ice an her dress went all diff colours was so amazing I have never forgotten that .
Me an our Susan used to go to the pictures of a Saturday morning an cus she was the biggest she held the money so she used to buy palma violets or cherry lips wiv all the treat money , I didnt like them but I used to eat em to get me share you had to be smart wiv our Susan .
Mind you she did used to take me over bombpek to make dens till our mom found out she didn half cop out an when she wrapped her new frock around the pole to swing back an it tore it right off at park me mom went right mad .She werent allowed her books for two nights but dad couldnt stand her moaning after two hours .
they said it was slum clearence heaven knows why i didnt mind sharing me loo wiv the bullens an mom kept the yard clean wiv jeys fluid every monday after washing was done , always had a stew of a Monday wiv the joint bone in to boil off an the steam wiv washing an stew an the cold out side steamed me moms glasses up .

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